Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 5 Case Study

Module 5 Case Study

Q Diabetes mellitus type 1 Mr. M. has had type 1 diabetes for 15 years. He has just been admitted to the hospital with severe pyelonephritis, a kidney infection. • Describe the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes. • Explain why urinary tract infections are common in people with diabetes. • Explain how acute renal failure could develop. • Explain why infection may leads to ketoacidosis . • Describe the characteristics of Mr. M.’s respirations that you would expect to observe while ketoacidosis is present. Include the rationale for your answer. •If Mr. M.’s serum pH continues to decrease below normal, how would that pH affect cell and organ function?

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1. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder and it involves the destruction or selective loss of beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas . Beta cells are responsible for the secretion of insulin which helps in regulating glucose level in blood . In type 1 diabetes , the pancreas reduces the secretion of insulin and thus the sugar can’t get into the cells to function properly .